Changing Wrap-up codes in CAD (UCCE)

Changing Wrap-up codes in CAD (UCCE)

“How to change wrap-up codes on the Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD)”.

Wrap up codes are used by agents, in order to categorise an inbound or outbound call. Categorising each individual call, allows a better insight in call volumes, talk times etc,  that are offered in certain categories. 
The place where the wrap up codes are modified, is the Cisco Desktop Workflow administrator (see previous posts). Let me pull up a screen shot that I have used before, that shows the different options in a certain Work flow Group (called VOIP_WG in this case), through the workflow administrator client.
Figure 1- Work flow group configuration options.
One of the options here is :Wrap-Up Data, pretty complex stuff this UCCE, because this is where we edit the wrap up codes!!
Please note that in order for a wrap-up code to be available for a certain Workflow group, it will need to be made available globally.
Figure 2 – add wrap up data
here. you can add that various wrap up codes (data) and make these available to you work group.
Also, if you are introducing wrap up codes for a team that previously did not use these,  make sure that the Desk settings are correct (UCCE Configuration Manager>Agent Desk settings). Ofcourse the desk settings will need to applied on a agent level as well.
Fig.3. Agents Desktop Settings (through AW)

in the Screen shot above the desk settings name is Mainline, this

That is  it. To make changes to existing wrap up codes, in order for them to take effect, the agent will need to log off and close the CAD client, and log back in.
So using the wrap-up data selected in Fig.2 after an inbound (or outbound or both depending on how the Agent Desk settings are configured), the popup would look something like this:
Figure 4 – Selecting Wrap up code
That pretty much wraps it up, now back to the eleven o’clock news.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Cisco Agent Desktop Administrator, basics

“Overview of the Cisco Agent Desktop Administrator GUI, creating Work Flows and assigning them to agents”

In this post a will quickly scratch the surface on the Cisco Agent Desktop Administrator client.

The Cisco desktop Workflow administrator, is part of the Unified Contact Center Enterprise suite. It used to configure the layout of the Cisco Agent Desktop. 

The Cisco Desktop Administrator consists of 2 parts:

  • Desktop based Cisco desktop Work flow administrator
  • web based Cisco desktop administrator

Personally I think the term “work flow” is a bit vague. Think of work flows as profiles that get pushed out to the CAD software as soon as an agent logs in. It provides the appearance and behavior of CAD, such as phone book, reason codes, wrap-up codes and tool bar buttons that allow chatting, call recording and other customized tasks. Below is the main menu when opening the Work Flow administrator.


Figure 1 – Cisco Desktop Administrator Main Window


In this post i want to focus on the work flow groups  (last option in the picture above). As I said earlier, the work flow groups are like profile that are over layed on top of the CAD client, very much like device pools in CUCM. This means that if agents belonging to a certain queue require a specific layout of CAD, a dedicated Work Flow Goup (WFG) will need to be created and the agent will need to be assigned to this WFG. For instance because the agents require their own specific wrap-up codes.


Figure 2 – Work Flow Group Expanded


Let’s have a look at the CAD agent user Interface (Fig. 2). Whatever is configured here, pretty much defines what the agent will be seeing, once logged onto the CAD client, for example the customized toolbar Figure 3 below. 

Figure 3 – Cisco Agent Desktop user interface – Tool Bar


As can be seen above (Fig. 3), the tool bar buttons are modified to suite the requirements of a particular group of agents, who have been assigned to the VOIP_WG  Work Flow Group. 


Back to the CAD Agent User Interface from Fig. 2. Clicking this, provides the screen below. Broken up in various TABS, this allows an administrator to tweak the whole layout of CAD, such as Tool bar, Data Field (showing call properties) or CAD browser properties.   


Figure 4 – User Interface properties

For example, TASK 10, in Figure 3 this is a button available to an agent in the CAD Toolbar.

Fig. 5 – Call Control Action Setup


Obviously, the task 10 as in Figure 4, already has an action against it, which is a Call Control  – Blind Conference to a system phone number. This is actually used in a scenario where an agent wants to play out a certain Product Disclosure Statement to a customer. (12345 is an extension that actually points to a unity connection call handler that plays the PDS as a greeting and then hangs up, because it is a blind conference, this will result the agent and customer are connected after the PDS is through playing).

The available actions that a toolbar item can have are depicted in figure 6.

Figure 6 – Tool bar item action selection window

For a guide and comprehensive list of features available in CAD:      

(this link is actually for UCCX, but the desktop administrator software is very much the same)

After the workflow groups have been created, agents will need to be assigned to them.  To do this log onto the Desktop Administrator Webpages:

 http://<IP address of UCCE Peripheral GW>:8088/teamadmin/login.cda

Login with the admin account, and go to PERSONNEL>AGENT, and select the right Work Flow Group to the agent (as you can see in Figure 7, the Work Flow Group names, available in  the pull down menu, are populated and altered through the client).